S8 15 06 2024 | Open Tibia Server

Server details:

Experience IconExperience: Skills IconSkills: Magic IconMagic: Loot IconLoot: PVP Type IconType: Protocol IconProtocol:
50 6 8 1 PvP 8.60

Players data: (?)

Players online: Record online: Added to the list:
412 553 2024-05-01 13:45:35


OxygenOT - Season 8 Official Launch

After almost a year offline for development and over a month in beta testing and optimization, we are thrilled to announce the official launch of Season 8!

We’ve made extensive changes across nearly every aspect of the game and have exciting plans for future updates. We hope you enjoy your time with us and provide us with valuable feedback.

Launch Details:
- Date: 15/06/2024
- Time: 4:00 PM GMT / 6:00 PM CEST

Website: oxygenot.live

Key Features:
- 24/7 hosting in Germany
- Custom map and client
- Mid-rate experience
- High attack speed
- Attributes system
- Auto loot functionality
- Custom promotions
- Monster orbs and skulls
- Bosses with unique mechanics
- Reward chest
- Addons bonus
- Dungeons
- Tasks and daily tasks
- Item upgrades
- Mounts, wings, auras, and shaders
- Custom spells, item stats, and player stats
- Lottery tickets
- Guild wars
- Waypoints system
- Market and tokens shop
- In-game store
- Daily events with Premium Points rewards
- Wand, melee, and distance skills
- Custom character descriptions
- Balanced vocations and PVP
- Numerous client modules to enhance QoL (bank, boss check, task tracker, tasks, and more)
- Active and friendly staff
- And much more for you to explore!

Create an Account: https://oxygenot.live/account/create

Wiki: https://oxygenot.live/wiki

Join Our Community:
- Discord: https://discord.gg/y6vXVJ4rmB
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OxygenOT
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oxygen.ot

Contact Us: info.oxygenot@gmail.com

Watch the Trailer: https://youtu.be/ejTbRfK-rZs

We are dedicated to providing an exceptional gaming experience and look forward to your feedback to help us improve even further. Enjoy your adventure in Season 8!

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